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October 17, 2018

SPEAKER: Scott Kikkawa

Works for the department of Immigration which was reorganized afgter 911. They became part of Homeland Security in 2003. Positions involving- investigators, adjudicators, visa’s, citizenship, removal tasks and benefits. Some clues to identify potential problems: bulky out of season clothing, last minute flight bookings, and length of stay that is out of the norm for the country they are coming from and fraudulent documents. Passports, just like the dollar are very difficult to replicate. Currency violators are the biggest in Hawaii – the seizure of these monies become federal revenue.

You are not considered on US soil until after customs – between un-boarding transport to customs is a Federal control area and warrants are not needed. Here constitutional rights do not apply. There are times you can be called back to this area if you have not yet left the airport, docks …Each country has different priorities with people entering their land – in US our priority is violators, criminals, document fraud. With these in the federal control area- an investigator/officer can do an immediate removal and send them back to their last location. The priority in Israel is aviation security and Japan’s priority is the health of an individual.

ATTENDEES - Vicki White, RoseMary Thompson, Shawna Jones, David Jones, Gail Baugniet, Rosemary Mild, Gay

Gale, AJ Llewellyn, Ellie LeRoux, John LeRoux, Scott Kikkawa, Carol Catanzariti, Lizbeth Hartz

  1. OLLI SPEAKING EVENT: Carol so pleased with success that she may consider using us again next year. Those noted as being interested in doing the talks again in the spring are Rosemary Mild, Vicki White, Gail Baugniet, Lizbeth Harts J Llewellyn, Laurie Hanan

  2. OCT BLAISDEL CRAFT FAIR: If you offer bags to customers (COMPOSITABLE-RECYLCABLE-REUSABLE plastic or paper) you MUST charge $0.15. $10 Gift certificates-will receive our rebate at booth 160 and 183 at end day. Accept only Fri-yellow, Sat-red, Sun-blue. Set up 330 pm on Friday. Breakdown Sunday done by 730 pm. Must bring own chairs. We have 2 - 4x2 tables provided by a friend. Our space is 10 x 10. Put your name on your name card

  3. WHATS HOT & NOT IN BOOK PROMOS: WHATS HOT-Covers on Social Media, Radio station interviews, in person visits to schools and libraries, reviews in good prints, magazines, journals, bool launches, your own blog posts, WHATS NOT- book trailers, blog tours, facebook and twitter adds, newspaper postings, book signings, flooding social media

  4. LOCATION VOTE: Taken at the meeting. Group unanimous on have both locations – one as primary and one as back up. Will collect email votes before we finalize. At the meeting the vote was 6 for Temple as primary and one as St Andrews for primary. VOTING RESULTS – Is Temple Emmanuel as priority and St Andrews as back up- by an overwhelming majority.

  5. LEADERSHIP VOTE: Will take place in November meeting. Candidates must be a current National member.

  6. PRESIDENT RESPONSIBILITIES – helps promote National SinC, runs meetings, sets goals and responsibilities, group spokesperson,

  7. VICE-PRESIDENT RESPONSIBILITIES – support President and be there when President cannot. Arrange for guest speakers.

  8. TREASURER RESPONSIBILITIES – files for legal fees, collects & documents fees,

  9. SECRETARY RESPONSIBILITIES – sends out meeting reminders, works with Jenny for Mid-week advertising, takes minutes at meetings


  11. How well they know themselves --- Who are you? Who do you want to be? How do you want your world to see you?

  12. Why they are the way they are --- What was home like growing up? Who were you closest to? Did you leave home or did you stay, and why?

  13. What story they want to tell --- What happened or is happening to you? How do you feel about it? What do you wish people knew about you?

  14. How far you’re allowed to push them --- What is the worst thing you’ve ever done? What would you never do again? Do you have any secrets you don’t want to share with me or readers?

  15. What they’re willing to die for --- How hard do you fight for what you want? Have you ever lost something you wanted? How did it feel?

  16. CONGRATS to Rosemary and Larry – New book Honolulu Heat by Rosemary and Larry Mild Slated for October Release Available nationwide October 1, 2018

  17. MAYORS ARTS AND CRAFT SHOW – November 17 9am to noon. Who is interested. No fees – free to all.

  18. CREATESPACE VERSE KINDLE PUBLISHING UPDATE – now in effect. Move your books over and unless you want to update do not use the upload option – use the Move option

  19. HAWAII FICTION WRITERS SHORT STORY CONTEST – for High School and College students. Submit 3,000 words max.


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of Sisters in Crime, Inc., and six

Members-at-Large, who shall serve on standing committees (to include Publicity, Monitoring Project,

Bookstore and Library liaisons, Chapter Liaison, or others so designated by the Board.) The outgoing

president will serve on the Board as a voting member and in an ex-officio capacity.

Section 2. Qualifications and terms of office for Officers shall be as set down in Article VI.

Section 3. Members-at-Large shall be active members of Sisters in Crime, Inc. Their terms of office

shall be for one (1) year.

Section 4. Officers and Members-at-Large shall be elected by the professional membership of Sisters in

Crime, Inc.

Section 5. The Board of Directors shall have the right to decide by majority vote to add a memberat-

large to its number..

Section 6. No member may serve on the Board of Directors for more than five consecutive years

unless appointed by the Board of Directors to serve in an advisory position.

Section 7. The Board of Directors is authorized to make such rules and regulations as it deems

necessary for the effective management of the organization, including but not limited to its logo, records,

and membership mailing lists.

Section 8. The Board of Directors is authorized to use electronic mail to call for votes on issues

between the semiannual meetings. The President will count the votes and forward the motion and vote tally

to the Secretary for permanent record in the minutes.

ARTICLE VI - Officers:

Section 1. The officers of Sisters in Crime, Inc. shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary,

and a Treasurer. They shall be professional members of Sisters in Crime, Inc. These officers shall constitute the

Executive Committee. In the event that a decision needs to be made quickly without time to poll the board,

the Executive Committee may make that decision. Votes, which may be collected by e-mail, shall be

tabulated and recorded by the Secretary.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all membership meetings and call and preside at all

meetings of the Board of Directors. The President sets goals and responsibilities, serves as ad hoc member

of committees, polls board members on major decisions, keeps members informed, serves as group

spokesperson, and performs such other duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.

The President shall be elected for one (1) one-year term, and shall not run for that office or the office of

Vice-President again until at least five (5) years have elapsed from the end of her term. The President will,

however, serve on the Board in an ex officio capacity for the period of one year following her term.

Section 3. The Vice-President shall serve in that role for one (1) year and shall then, after

ratification by the membership, succeed to the presidency for a one-year term. The purpose of this is to

insure continuity. The Vice-President oversees the work of the standing committees, obtains progress

reports from committees, sees that progress is reported to membership, and assists or substitutes for the

President as required. The Vice-President shall be elected for a two-year term, during the second term of

which, after ratification by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting, she will serve as President. She shall not

run for the office of President or Vice-President until at least five (5) years have elapsed from the end of

her term.

Section 4. The Secretary shall keep minutes, handle correspondence in coordination with the

President, keep a file of publications and publicity, and perform such other duties as may be directed by the

Board of Directors. A term of office shall be for one (1) year.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall be appointed by members of the Board of Directors and shall serve as

an ex officio member of that body. The Treasurer, or any person or persons designated by the Board of

Directors, shall receive all monies of Sisters in Crime, Inc., and shall deposit the same as directed by the

Board of Directors. The Treasurer, or any person or persons designated by the Board of Directors, shall

make disbursements from these funds as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer, or any

person or persons designated by the Board of Directors, shall keep accurate financial accounts, maintain a

checking account, and shall prepare and submit at the Annual Meeting and whenever so requested by the

Board of Directors, a complete financial statement. A term of office shall be for one (1) year, with

reappointment by the Board for successive terms. The position of Treasurer, which is appointed, will be

advisory only, and the Treasurer will not be a voting member of the board. The Treasurer will serve in an

advisory capacity on the Executive Committee.

Section 6. Auditor. The books and records will be reviewed annually by a private accountant hired

by the Board.

Section 7. Should there be a vacancy in the Presidency at any time, the Vice-President shall succeed

to the Presidency and shall serve until the next annual election, when she will continue in the office of

President for one (1) year, once her continuing has been ratified by the vote of the membership at the

annual election. Any other vacancy of an office shall be filled by the Board of Directors, and the successor

shall hold office until the next annual election.

Section 8. None of the officers of Sisters in Crime, Inc. or any other members of the Board of

Directors shall receive any salary or compensation for services rendered as such officers and/or Board of

Directors members. Salaries may be paid to any employee of Sisters in Crime, Inc. including employees

who have been given official titles, such as Executive Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or to such other

persons as the board may direct. This does not preclude Board members from being reimbursed for

reasonable expenses associated with their service on behalf of the organization.

Section 9. Expulsion of Officers. Board of Directors officers can be impeached from office for

dereliction of duty or malfeasance by a majority vote of the active membership present in person or by

proxy at the vote. Impeachment votes can only occur during one (1) of the two (2) yearly membership

meetings. A full investigation must be made, including (a) notification in writing to the officer of the

charge and by whom made, as well as the filing of said charges with the Board of Directors: (b) investigation

of the charges by a committee of active members, none of whom are members of the Board of

Directors, and chaired, if possible, by a former President or other former officer of Sisters in Crime, Inc.

The committee will be selected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Following the investigation, if

a majority of the investigating committee votes to proceed, the investigating committee will hold a hearing

under circumstances that will give the accused officer ample opportunity to present a defense.

If by a two-thirds (2/3) vote the investigating committee recommends impeachment, notification of

the call for impeachment must be mailed to all the members, together with a statement summarizing the

recommendation of the investigating committee. At the next membership meeting, after a full and open

hearing of both sides, the membership will vote on whether or not to impeach the officer.

Other Board members may be impeached by the same process.

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