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January 16, 2019

ATTENDANCE: Laurie Hanan, Kathrine Nohr, Vicki White

  1. SINC NATIONAL: After 10 years of dedicated work, Sarah Glass Sinc’s webmaven has left SinC National to work in the nonprofit sector. National is therefore looking for a Grants Coordinator. Here is the link if you want to apply.

  2. REMINDER: National membership renewals due.

  3. POISON PEN: has merged with Sourcebooks to create the Poisoned Pen Press Imprint

  4. SINC TALKS: The first in a series will be Dana Kaye Tues Jan 15 on How to make your brand, your book stand out. Following the live presentations, all webinars will be available for replay in the MEMBERS ONLY section of the website. If you have any questions, please email us at Watch for additional programming. The next two SinC Talks will be: Tuesday, February 12, 2019: Growing an Engaged Community Social media and email marketing should not be a one-way conversation or a constant wave of self-promotion. The most successful authors are the ones that cultivate relationships with their readers and grow an engaged community. This workshop will illustrate what happens after a reader becomes familiar with your work, focusing on email marketing, social media, and in-person events. Tuesday, March 12, 2019: Launch Your Own PR Campaign Whether you're self-publishing a book, working with a small press, or under contract with a Big Five publisher, most of the promotion responsibilities fall on the author. Between securing review coverage, booking TV and radio appearances, and locating influential bloggers, the book promotion process can feel daunting and overwhelming.

  5. LEFT COAST CRIME will be in Vancover from 3/28 – 3/31.

  6. HAWAII BOOK & MUSIC FESTIVAL: who is interested? Laurie/Vicki/Katharine

  7. SPEAKERS FOR 2019: Anyone have any ideas/preferences

  8. Carol C-Best traditional mystery publishers and agents/self-publishing average success/agents worth their salt/character arc

  9. SinC National webinars coming-Branding, make your book stand out/enaging community thru social media

  10. Group ideas-Criminal defense attorney/author agents/ film makers/can we get bio in ned-weekly/Pennybacker fro Star bulliten/event articles from speaking gig at Waianai library/library readings/police officer/local PI/dark web/Cloudia Charters

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